
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Switching Gears

The little cabin is on hold at the moment as that tends to happen when things lay dormant for too long and life has you change gears. Now I have switched things up a tad and started a new project. Right now it shall be called "The Getaway" this all started from looking at Earthships, then seeing all these recycled projects being made and then I saw "Tiny Homes". So here is the start of this project and hopefully it will be completed be fore to long. Currently I have $100.00 into it, that is for some lumber, screws, nails and sandpaper. I have been working to get free windows, doors and even scored a garage door which I used for the back wall. Some of the frame is made out of our old play set, pallets and a 60+ year old farm house that is no longer on our property. That property was sold and the farm house was so bad off it was torn down.

My goal is to try and spend as little money on it as possible, I think this adds to getting more creative with what I can find and what I have laying around here.



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