
Saturday, September 29, 2012


When ever I am building or tearing something apart I always try to have as little waste as possible. I like the challenge when taking something apart to see how much of it I can reuse for something else. Same when building I try to hold onto everything until I am done using as much of everything as possible. So here is a picture of my current waste, I do however rummage through this pile looking for stuff every now and then, sometimes you need that tiny piece of wood and you find it right in that pile!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Creative with what you have laying around

I have been pondering over the past few days about how the front of my "Tiny Home" was looking. I did not like how the windows were laid out nor the bottle window's placement by the door. So after some debate with myself I took the middle window and lower bottle window out and will re work that. I also took a beam I had in place out, which is fine as it was serving no purpose other than aesthetics. Once I did that seeing it opened up made me feel better. I did some more work on the garage door aka the back wall. The supports in place for that are out of an 60+ year old farmhouse that is no longer standing, I wanted to keep them looking rough and uneven so I used my planner and sanded them down so they were smooth and cleaned up. I managed to fined enough chip board around here to do the sub floor, that took a bit longer as I had to cut and fit pieces in place...I must admit again I missed the luxury of having nice large sheets to drop in place. Once I was done however I smiled knowing I cleaned up a bunch of loose wood here that could have ended up rotting away.
Plans for the front are more glass bottle blocks, a small window to the left of the door and up top another window. If you look close at the picture on the right you can see a fish tank, that has plans on being turned into a bay window! I need to find more wood to finish my trusses and then start getting some roofing materials together. Oh did I mention the pile of palettes I have to rip apart? Those will be turned into flooring if all goes well.
For those keeping track of canines helping today Jack, Lennon, Brody, Maggie, Chloe and Bernard were all out with me at different times of the day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Set backs tools and help

I guess not everyday is a good day when you are building. Sometimes things do not work out right. So I revamped a couple things and moved forward. It gets hard sometimes as I really just want to run to the home store and get what I need so I can finish the project, but then that defeats the whole idea behind it. The only plans for this are in my head, sometimes I just sit in a chair and stare at it waiting and thinking. Progress is being made and some days more than others. Most of the time while working I have sunflower seeds stuck in my mouth and I always have a trusty dog by my side ( pictured is Bernard).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Switching Gears

The little cabin is on hold at the moment as that tends to happen when things lay dormant for too long and life has you change gears. Now I have switched things up a tad and started a new project. Right now it shall be called "The Getaway" this all started from looking at Earthships, then seeing all these recycled projects being made and then I saw "Tiny Homes". So here is the start of this project and hopefully it will be completed be fore to long. Currently I have $100.00 into it, that is for some lumber, screws, nails and sandpaper. I have been working to get free windows, doors and even scored a garage door which I used for the back wall. Some of the frame is made out of our old play set, pallets and a 60+ year old farm house that is no longer on our property. That property was sold and the farm house was so bad off it was torn down.

My goal is to try and spend as little money on it as possible, I think this adds to getting more creative with what I can find and what I have laying around here.

